Valley Primary School




Home Learning


At Valley, we set home-learning from the earliest opportunity with the expectations increasing as the pupils move up through the school. Pupils are set tasks to reinforce basic concepts in Phonics, Reading, Spelling and Maths. The table below sets out the expectations for each year group. In addition to this, each term, Homework Menus are shared with parents and these offer the pupils an opportunity to complete a range of home learning activities based on the topic being studied in school. The range of these activities also appeal to the different learning styles of the pupils whether that be through the written word, the use of technology, art, cooking or completing a practical task. The school’s expectation is that pupils complete 3 tasks over the term.

Year Group

Homework Set


Daily reading and recording a weekly comment in the child's reading record.

To have a go at the activities listed on the fortnightly newsletter. These activities will target all 7 areas of the EYFS framework.

Year 1

Reading books changed once a week (2 books given one linked to their phonics and the other from the Library).

Pupils are also set a third e-book little to the Little Wandle phonics scheme.

Pupils also receive a spelling rule summary of the spelling rules learnt during the week.

Weekly maths challenge is set along with work to reinforce basic number facts.

Year 2

Reading books changed once a week – 2 books sent home. Teacher aims to write in reading record after guided reading, so each child gets one teacher feedback comment per week. Parents asked to sign weekly.

Homework is sent out on Thursdays to be handed in with tests carried out on the following Wednesday.

Spellings are set per week linked to the weekly phonics lesson focus.

Number facts are sent home and tested weekly. This is individualised – once they achieve full marks they move onto learning the next set.

Year 3

Homework is set on Thursday and due in on the following Tuesday.

Weekly spellings are set along with Bug Club / reading books.

Pupils practise their times tables with tasks set on Times Tables Rock Stars in addition to maths tasks set on Ed Shed.

Grammar tasks set as needed.

Year 4

Spellings are sent home weekly and tested on Mondays.

Pupils practise their times tables with tasks set on Times Tables Rock Stars in addition to maths tasks set on Ed Shed.

Reading books are changed on a regular basis with Reading Records checked on a Monday.

Homework is set on a Wednesday and handed in on the following Monday.

Year 5

Spellings sent out every week and tested on Mondays. Reading books / Bug Club Books set weekly. Maths activities are set weekly on Ed Shed and pupils are also set a weekly comprehension exercise.

Homework is set on a Wednesday and due in the following Tuesday.

Year 6

Homework is set on a Thursday and due in on the following Tuesday.

Spellings are set weekly with pupils tested on a Tuesday.

Weekly arithmetic and maths activities are set on Ed Shed.

Weekly comprehension exercises are set weekly.

Pupils can choose a reading book from the school library or books can be set on Bug Club.